Things I learned this week:

-       Names matter. I had the chance to spend a little more time with the women down in the fishing village this past week. We just practiced some English words and reintroduced ourselves in English and Creole. But Dr. Kerry pointed out that being remembered by name means so much to these ladies. It’s one thing to have someone show up, give you something, and then disappear. It meets your immediate needs and is definitely helpful. But to have someone remember not just that you need food but to put a name with your face means that you were important to them; it gives you significance. It reminded me that no matter where I am or what I’m doing, faces have names and names are important.

-       I got excited to start getting to know my students (right now I have 11). They each have such unique backgrounds and stories and needs. It’s intimidating but it will be such a great adventure.

-       Running shoes are great for killing cockroaches

-       American things I love that I’ve found in Haiti: Cheez-Its, Diet Coke, and Doritos

-       Haitian things I love that I can’t get in the US: sugar cane, Pumpkin soup, MANGO

Margaret Duffield
9/17/2011 02:10:17 pm

Mwen Wele Grandma. Thanks for all the good info. Tropical cockroaches are huge, at least in Cebu - Yuk. I would love to taste the food!!! A pumpkin is just a squash. I will continue to pray for you - for wisdom, insight, patience and love!!

9/17/2011 02:46:34 pm

What a good reminders: people should be remembered by name and cockroaches should be squished.

3/28/2012 03:11:31 am

THX for info

7/13/2012 03:25:08 am

THX for info


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