"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." - Phil. 2:1-2

We made it! After a week of team building and prayer we are finally here (but more on that later. Before we ever got here we spent a week in cross-training really becoming a team.

Big thought from cross-training: UNITY! In order to survive this first three-month stretch we need to be working together. We are the only family we’ve got. A lot of our time at training was spent opening up more and more about our gifts, our weaknesses, our biases, our hopes. That was easy enough in a quiet home on a cool beach in Oxnard, CA but when we’re tired, over worked, dehydrated, sweaty, and frustrated we are still called to be united. Philippians 2 came up over and over again that week. Our goal is to have the same mind, the sam heart, and the same love. We wrote Phil. 2 into our covenant ( the list of promises we made to one another for this journey).

Something on my mind: Haiti has an 80% unemployment rate.

Things to pray for (if you are one who prays): team unity! Getting close to people involves conflict and that’s totally healthy. Play that as we work through conflicts and challenges we would come out the other side stronger and better for it. God is at work and Satan is not excited about it! We need your prayers!

Dad Berg
9/4/2011 09:03:57 am

We praise God for your safe arrival and for the great start you have made looking to Him who is able to do exceeding more than we ask or think....

Rebbi Carpenter
9/7/2011 08:45:05 am

glad you're there safe and sound! and praying for you!


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