I've never tried blogging and it's especially intimidating when I know I have an audience but I'll do my best to help you be part of my experience here in Haiti. I'm only six days away from leaving Santa Barbara for training. 
A few things on my mind as I prepare:
- Haiti was desperately impoverished before the earthquake. 200 plus years of poor leadership, unreasonable debt, and deforesting have left 10 million people with very few options for income, let alone livelihood. It's a hard situation to walk into.
- My support is almost completely raised! Thank you all so much :) You are invaluable.
- We have received fabulous amounts of school supplies! For me and my who teaching team, we are so very grateful.
Prayer requests (for those who pray):
- Hurricane season does not bode well for an island already stripped of top soil. It impacts travel, electricity, and especially all the people living in tents with no where else to go. Pray for the safety.
- Our team gets a five day collision course on being a family (aka: training). Pray we would all be open with one another, that both our similarities and differences would draw us together, and that by loving one another well we would better love the community around us.
A brief but interesting article about poverty in Haiti:
Check our SOIL! They've got a really cool concept going:

For now, that's all. Bonswa (your creole word for the day meaning good evening)!
8/25/2011 06:19:33 am

Haiti and the WORLD need more people like YOU. I look forward to reading your blog :)

Annie and Ramon Gupta
9/1/2011 12:49:30 pm

Annie and Ramon Gupta
9/1/2011 12:50:54 pm

Elise, we're excited for you and what God has in store in Haiti. We love that you'll be there with Shala too. Know you and your team are in our prayers.


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